Track Your Investigative Trail with Screen Recording.
Just released. Paliscope’s new screen recording tool makes it easier to collect video evidence and track every step along your online investigation.
For online investigators, screen recording is an important tool, and a highly requested addition to Paliscope. Screen recording not only makes it easier to collect video evidence, it also allows you to track and demonstrate your investigative process. Unfortunately, many screen recording solutions use a catch-all approach—leaving you with hours of footage to sort through and organize. Extra time many investigators can’t afford.
Before releasing a screen recording tool for Paliscope, we wanted to make sure it would be up to par with our standards for effective investigative tools. And we’re happy to announce that it is now complete and ready to deliver.

The new Paliscope Screen Recording tool lets you conduct more effective online investigations by helping you ensure important information is recorded and saved as soon as you discover it—with some key differences that make it an effortless process.
Paliscope Screen Recording Features
- Record individual browser tab sessions (rather than full screens by default)
- Record multiple sessions simultaneously
- Prevent other applications from disturbing your recording
- UTC timestamps automatically added to recorded video files
- Saved in a forensically sound manner
- Automatically logged in the Paliscope audit trail
(Of course, it is now also possible to upload videos to Paliscope!)
You can use Paliscope Screen Recording to record all kinds of websites or video content, and to visually document your investigative trail as you navigate from point A to point B. Something that’s particularly useful if you ever need to backtrack in your working process, or verify a timeline or back up your procedure in court. What’s more, the tool is conveniently located inside Paliscope and it’s simple to use.
Bottom Line: Build Stronger Cases
Like all Paliscope tools and features, Screen Recording ultimately helps you conduct more effective online investigations. The ability to add video evidence to your case and cover the bases of your investigative trail helps you to build a stronger case faster, and ensure that it holds up in court.
Screen recording is an integrated feature in Paliscope Pro.
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