Our products have changed names, read more here.
Launching Paliscope Explore Community
Search, visualize, and explore vast amounts of data with speed and precision. Now available for free for investigative organizations.
Start solving more cases, faster.

Explore your data exports
Analyze your data using the latest on-premise and offline AI technology. Find persons, places, voices and connections effortlessly.
Paliscope is your partner for investigating online data
Delivered on-premise, without compromizing privacy
Sign up for the free community version of Explore
For investigative organizations only.
(Requires Windows 10 or 11)
- Search through all your data
- View communication , links and locations
- Offline translate
- and more
” We find the Paliscope products to be great, and we love working with you guys”
says Christian, a private investigator

We help investigators solve cases faster, ensuring that justice prevails and our society remains safe.

News: Master collaboration with Explore Enterprise
Watch how you can streamline workflows, accelerate case resolution, and stay in control.

Finding victims & perpetrators of human trafficking
An anti-trafficking organisation was able to find, identify and bring exploited women to safety.
Stay up to date with the latest news
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Unlock the full potential of Signal & Telegram data
Learn how to efficiently work with large volumes of chat and forum data.

Transform your courtroom case presentations
Discover how courtroom case presentation is taking a leap forward with clear, organized reports.

Use alerts & digital profiles to solve cases faster
Consolidate vast data and leverage automation to uncover critical insights and cut through the noise.