Stronger together: Integrating CameraForensics in Paliscope Discovry

Stronger together: Integrating CameraForensics in Paliscope Discovry
2020-09-16 Paliscope


Stronger together: Integrating CameraForensics in Paliscope Discovry

Guest blog from CameraForensics by Matt Burns and Dave Ranner.

As online crime continues to climb, it’s clear that we need to do everything possible to tackle the ever-evolving criminal world and support those on the front lines. Our advantage is simple; collaboration.

It’s so important in our industry to work together because we all have a common goal. Together we can do more to achieve this and drive one another to succeed.

That’s why CameraForensics and Paliscope after one year of partnership are always looking for new ways to further our development together and have recently fully integrated CameraForensics as a standard tool for law enforcement investigators using Discovry.

Who are CameraForensics

CameraForensics designs digital image forensics tools for LEAs, other government agencies and NGOs. Our goal is to provide investigators with the technology they need to combat online crime, such as CSE, and protect more vulnerable people.

To do this, our platform helps users uncover in-depth imaging intelligence by crawling our database of images to find images that match user queries. It can be used to empower users to identify images related to their case, make important links between clues, and generate new or progress existing leads.

“While we all develop and improve individually, we can achieve more together. That’s why we’re continually growing our network of partners with other industry leaders like Paliscope.”

Our vision for creating partnerships

The end goal of everything we do is always to safeguard as many victims as possible. But the fight against criminals isn’t one we can win alone. We believe that as a collective ecosystem of NGOs, law enforcement agents, technology providers, non-profit organisations – and many more – we can make a greater impact against the world of online crime.

Our role as technology providers is to listen to the challenges and needs of our users and create the tools that will empower them to get the job done, as easily, accurately and efficiently as possible. Investigators have an extremely stressful, busy and time-pressured job to complete so we want to support them in every way we can.

While we all develop and improve individually, we can achieve more together. That’s why we’re continually growing our network of partners with other industry leaders like Paliscope.

Joining forces through partnerships, integrations and collaborations to create technology lets us take advantage of each other’s skills and perspectives – enabling us all to create the best, most comprehensive, integrative and tailored solutions that we’re able. 

“Together Discovry and the CameraForensics platform are making things easier and more efficient for users to find the right evidence, when they need it.”

Integrating tools for more impact

After years of partnership and collaboration the obvious next step was to integrate CameraForensics as a standard tool in Paliscope’s platform. Discovry provides investigators with features like data management and automatic reporting, while our tools provide users with additional data searching and image forensics abilities.

This integration significantly progresses our shared vision, ensuring that investigators have more of the tools they need and eradicating key technical challenges that could potentially stand in the way of them solving a case.

Together Discovry and the CameraForensics platform are making things easier and more efficient for users to find the right evidence, when they need it.

By combining our Tactical Search and Learn capabilities with Paliscope’s robust information management system, we aim to make intelligence tools more accessible for global users. Now the CameraForensics tools are directly available through Discovry, so users don’t have to waste time switching between platforms and transferring data.

Here are some of the main features of the platform integration:

  • CameraForensics Database Search
    When you collect a picture into your case file, from your database or the web, Discovry will automatically query it against the CameraForensics database. If you see the CameraForensics logo beside any image, this means it has a hit in the database.
  • Complete Cross-Platform Searches
    Users can use images from their Discovry case to complete searches in the CameraForensics database. For example, an image can be plugged into a search to find similar looking copies to your original.
  • Combined Functionality
    Working in tandem, the platform capabilities complement each other seamlessly. The integration enables users to see where Exif data is available through Paliscope then immediately click into CameraForensics to get the details, they can also view their geographic data on maps and pinpoint specific times or locations, and the same filters are available on both sites to easily narrow the search.

Overall, the combined platforms enable investigators to more easily find and follow up leads to discover valuable intelligence that could progress a case.

The benefits to users

Investigators need to know where to look deeper, and what direction they can move in when they find a lead. By bringing the case management and forensics tools together, users can organise their evidence with Discovry in order to see clear links or pathways, and then immediately follow up on image related paths in the CameraForensics platform.

This integration enables users to widen their search, find more actionable intelligence quicker, and identify clues or leads that can progress their case – without the need for leaning on additional resources. It empowers investigators to make connections and find the right direction that will help them progress a case.

When users have access to interoperable tools that can share data, combine functionality and work seamlessly with other resources, they can do their job more efficiently. This ultimately means that more cases get closed in a shorter amount of time.

“The only way we can make a big enough impact is if we are all aiming towards a common goal. That’s why CameraForensics and Paliscope both aim to create more integration and user friendly products.”

Continuous development

Our work is never done. Criminals are always evolving their approach, getting more sophisticated, and growing in numbers. That’s why we and our partners such as Paliscope are always striving to improve our products, helping our users to even the odds in the fight against crime.

The only way we can make a big enough impact is if we are all aiming towards a common goal. That’s why CameraForensics and Paliscope both aim to create more integration and user friendly products.

We will continue to develop and learn from investigators and technology providers alike, so we can make the best products possible to combat global challenges in digital investigations.