200 of our best OSINT investigation tools – Free download

200 of our best OSINT investigation tools – Free download
2020-11-04 Paliscope


200 of our best OSINT investigation tools

Working with experts around the world gives us insights into great tools to use when collecting data online.

We have aggregated the best bookmarks from a number of different sources, for instance the Bellingcat OSINT handbook, into one easy-to-import Bookmarks file. The toolkit is broken down into appropriate categories such as:

  • Social Media
  • Mapping
  • Country Specific Registers
  • Image & Video
  • People & Phone Tools

The Bookmark file is designed to be imported into Chrome or Discovry using the following method:


  1. Download & Unzip the file. You’ll end up with “bookmarks.html”.
  2. Go to Bookmarks Manager (3 dots in top right of Chrome).
  3. Hover bookmarks and select Import Bookmarks.
  4. Select the file from where you unzipped it.
  5. Done!


  1. Download & Unzip the file. You’ll end up with “bookmarks.html”.
  2. In the “Collect tab” select “Bookmark Manager”.
  3. Click the 3 dots in top right corner and select “Import bookmarks”.
  4. Select the file from where you unzipped it.
  5. Done!

We’ll update the toolkit regularly as new tools arrive and some disappear. This OSINT toolkit has no intention to cover everything, rather to include the best tool for each category.

Download the bookmarks toolkit

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Did we miss any tools? Continue the discussion in our user forum or get in touch with us and we’ll add it to the toolkit!

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