Processing chat and interaction data has never been faster or easier.
Today, we’re excited to introduce to you a brand new YOSE module: Chat Analytics. YOSE Chat Analytics is a customized module especially designed for those of you who handle or analyze –interaction data, chats, conversations, emails, or transactions. Now, you won’t have trouble keeping it all together in one view.
Interactions and conversations are a big part of almost every case whether it’s about trafficking, child abuse, organized crime, fraud, murder or something else. Interactions mean chats, emails, transactions, and just about anywhere where two or more people interact in any way. We believe that investigators who handle large amounts of conversation data deserve a dedicated tool that helps them with the task. Not only can Chat Analytics handle it all, it’s also completely free of charge for all YOSE users.

Navigate interactions the easy way
Using the Chat Analytics module in your work will give you the ability to view and navigate all interactions within your case in a smooth way. Reviewing interactions is literally as easy as browsing a WhatsApp dialogue—even if the conversation data comes from another phone app, social media, email, for example, or a combination of them all. With Chat Analytics, you will find the chat data you are looking for. Plus you’ll have the ability to clearly see who has written what and with whom, which can provide valuable clues that help move your case forward.

Speed up your chat investigation without missing a thing
In the search engine, you can use your own keywords to track down the right chats, and then smartly follow the information between the conversations. Once you have discovered a relevant conversation you want to investigate, Chat Analytics will also help you find other relevant chats that are related to that particular chat. You can link persons, messages and other conversations to each other. And with all the possibilities to tag, classify, add notes and put people into groups, you can speed up your work without missing any details.

Of course, Chat Analytics also benefits from YOSE OCR, Text, and Image Recognition techniques—giving you extra superpowers while examining conversation data.
Chat Analytics highlights:
Smart chat linking—get the bigger picture
Link persons, messages, and conversations to each other. And with all the possibilities to tag, classify, add notes and put people into groups, you can speed up your work without missing any details.
Cross-reference conversation sources and data
Combine interaction data from forums, chats, emails, financial transactions and more all in one single view. You can even cross-reference all communication data with all the other data in your YOSE database.
Use extracted intelligence to find what you’re looking for
You decide what direction you want to start your investigation in. For example, you can choose to follow a URL, and then see which user has shared it. Or, you can follow an email across all its data.
Translate text offline
Translate each message offline and present the original message and translated message side-by-side. The translator supports 25 different languages. You can even enter search terms in your own language to track down clues that someone has written in another language.
Simple presentation—keep stakeholders in the loop
Chat Analytics includes a unique chat message player to make each conversation (and what happened in the conversation) extremely easy to understand for your stakeholders—including the jury, judge, lawyers, and your own colleagues
And much more!
You can find all the Chat Analytics release notes in the myPaliscope user portal.
YOSE update: 2021.4
We have not been lazy, but have also taken the opportunity to update the core of YOSE. YOSE 2021.4 is now available for download in the user portal. In addition to bug fixes and other updates, with this update it is now possible to link to your extracted intelligence directly from the search page, and access search help which shows all matching intelligence as soon as you start writing something. We have even added functions that make it easier to collaborate and share intelligence between teams. For more information about what’s new YOSE 2021.4, log in to the user portal.